It's Tucson time again!


**If you live in the EU or UK please contact me before ordering.  I will have to create a custom order for you in my Etsy shop due to the VAT requirements that the EU and UK have put in place.** 

** Sorry due to updates to the "Packaging Act" I am unable to ship to Germany. **

I'm back in Tucson for the annual gem show.  I'm so happy my mom wanted to go with me!  Her only condition was that we drive - so we did!  We left yesterday morning.  Here was a shot of the sunrise at my house before I left.

And my dancing cactus is still going strong almost 10 months after I got him.  He was dancing on the dash all the way to Tucson.  This picture was the shot as we left my house to go pick up my mom at her house.

After loading all my mom's things into the car we hit the road for the drive to Tucson.  I'm not normally a morning person, but I do want to have some time to shop the first day so I'm motivated to get on the road as early as I can. 

We arrived at about 3:30, made a stop at Starbuck's (have to supply my favorite vendors with their Starbucks favorites), then we stopped at the Kino show.   There we met Jennifer and Tinie of World Bead Mine.  Here I am, in their booth, with both of them.  And a shot of my mom looking at sapphires that she just HAD to have - LOL!


And now bead porn!

Leaves, flat drops, moons and my Starbucks cup.

Some of the goodies I got for myself - beautiful tiger iron drops, smoky quartz with frosted top/bottom and very sparkly faceting and some gorgeous, old stock fluorite rough faceted beads.  And some big hunking African jade beads for a friend.


And that was a wrap for the shopping day on Day 1.  We had dinner at the El Minuto Cafe, found our casita, unloaded and hit the sack.



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